
Faq di About Nihongo-Pro
What makes Nihongo-Pro classrooms better than Skype chat?

Nihongo-Pro Online Japanese Classroom
Nihongo-Pro classrooms are custom built for online Japanese classes, with learning features that Skype chat cannot match:
  • ProPad™ helps you learn to write Japanese
  • Built-in Japanese-English dictionary
  • Large whiteboard for presenting lesson materials
  • Teacher-directed audio playback (great for listening comprehension)
  • Easy to use, nothing to install. Log in from your browser.

Test drive our classroom here.

How does Nihongo-Pro compare to other online Japanese schools?

Nihongo-Pro offers an unmatched environment for learning Japanese online, with better teachers, better classrooms, and better lessons. Our platform is designed to make Nihongo-Pro the best place to learn Japanese online and achieve your Japanese language goals. Compare for yourself:
Other Online Japanese Schools
Professional, native-speaking Japanese teachers
Nihongo-Pro teaching staff includes government-certified Japanese teachers with advanced teaching experience, including experience with online Japanese lessons. All teachers complete two months of paid training and participate in our continuing teacher education sessions.
Other Schools
Private lessons customized to your goals
Other schools may force you into their curriculum, but at Nihongo-Pro you get private lessons tailored specifically to your Japanese goals.
Learn more about private lessons.
Other Schools
Earn free lessons with ProPoints
You earn points for every paid Nihongo-Pro lesson you take. Then, you can redeem your points for free online Japanese lessons!
Learn more about ProPoints program.
Other Schools
Classroom custom built for online Japanese lessons
No other online Japanese school offers a better learning environment, custom built for online Japanese lessons. A Skype chat session cannot match these learning features:
  • Built-in Japanese-English dictionary
  • Large whiteboard for presenting lesson materials
  • Audio playback for listening comprehension lessons
  • ProPad™ for learning to write Japanese
Other Schools
Skype chat or shared rooms
Learn how to write Japanese with ProPad™
ProPad lets you and your teacher share a real-time whiteboard where you can practice Japanese writing, learn kanji stroke orders, even play Japanese games! ProPad is fun and effective, and no other online Japanese school has it.
Other Schools
Get to know other Japanese learners in our Hiroba™ social forum
Hiroba is our community for Japanese learners and fans. You can meet new friends, set up chats with other Japanese students, get tips for learning Japanese, ask questions, talk with Nihongo-Pro teachers, and more. 100% free!
Other Schools
24-hour-a-day chat room—free to everyone
Nihongo-Pro offers a 24-hour-a-day video chat room, free to everyone. Practice speaking Japanese with other students and Japanese learners, or simply meet up for free chat.
Other Schools
Reserve lessons up to 30 days in advance
Fit online Japanese lessons into your busy schedule up to 30 days in advance. Other schools may allow reservations only 7 days in advance, or charge extra for 30-day advance booking.
Other Schools
Trial lesson at no charge
If you’re considering private online Japanese lessons, try before you buy. Meet your new Japanese teacher, discuss what you want to focus on during your online lessons, and then get a taste of your teacher’s lesson content and style. Learn more about private lessons.
Other Schools
Triple protection against missing your lessons
Only Nihongo-Pro makes sure you don't forget a lesson with triple protection:
  • Upcoming lesson reminder emails
  • Late-lesson reminder emails
  • Automatic export of your lesson schedule to calendar apps
Other Schools
Email privately with your teacher
Nihongo-Pro respects your privacy: No one but your teacher sees your email. All we ask is that you respect your teacher's time.
Other Schools
Lesson tickets good for up to a year (more if you need it)
Lesson tickets are good for 3 to 12 months, depending on how many tickets you buy.
If you need more time, Nihongo-Pro offers low-cost ticket extensions. At other schools, you can lose unused tickets.
Other Schools
Free Japanese quizzes—100% free to everyone!
Try free Japanese language quizzes every day at Nihongo-Pro. Nihongo-Pro quizzes work on any PC, smartphone, or tablet, so you can try our free quizzes anywhere.
Try free Japanese quizzes.
Other Schools
Free kanji and kana games
Practice hiragana and katakana, or test your kanji knowledge with free games. Look up animated stroke order, sample words, and other details of over 6,000 kanji with KanjiPal.
Learn more about free kanji games and kana games.
Other Schools
No entry fee
Never pay an introductory or entry fee at Nihongo-Pro.
Other Schools
Up to $90

What kind of teachers are available at Nihongo-Pro?

  • Nihongo-Pro teachers are professional Japanese teachers, trained in teaching Japanese and teaching online.
  • Our careful selection process and paid teacher training ensure your Nihongo-Pro teacher is expertly prepared for your lesson.
  • Many students have taken online lessons from their Nihongo-Pro teachers for years, as they progressed in learning Japanese.
  • Learning Japanese is more than chatting in Japanese. In our private lessons, Nihongo-Pro teachers build lesson plans customized to your goals and learning style.

See all Nihongo-Pro teachers here.

What kind of curriculum is offered at Nihongo-Pro?

Private lessons at Nihongo-Pro are fully customized to your needs and goals, ensuring that you will learn Japanese online as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Whether you are studying for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), learning business Japanese, focusing on written Japanese, or learning Japanese for fun, Nihongo-Pro teachers tailor your private online Japanese lessons to make your learning fast, efficient, and fun.

Typical Skype Lesson

The student or teacher reads from the textbook.

With no whiteboard for lesson materials, the teacher relies on verbal instruction to direct the student.

Limited learning environment means slower learning.
Nihongo-Pro Lesson

Your Nihongo-Pro teacher presents textbook and custom lesson materials on the whiteboard, guiding you just as if you were in a real classroom.

Custom lessons in a custom classroom make your Japanese learning fast and efficient.

    Enrollment is free. Enroll for online Japanese lesons.

    What do students say about learning Japanese at Nihongo-Pro?

    Our students are our greatest supporters. Many of our students have studied Japanese for years with their Nihongo-Pro teacher, progressing step by step in their Japanese language skill.

    Our students give Nihongo-Pro high marks in these areas:

    • Teacher quality
    • Lesson quality and customization
    • Classroom software
    • Lesson policies

    But don't just take our word for it: Read student testimonials.

    Messaggio da studente Nihongo-Pro
    I'm so glad I found Nihongo-Pro!
    I've been living in Japan for quite a few years but my Japanese isn't great. I knew I wanted to study but my schedule doesn't allow me to attend a class here so I decided to look for one online. I found Nihongo-Pro and, while I was reading teacher's profiles, I found Michiko Nakano—I just knew she would be a great teacher and I was right!

    Michiko is a wonderful Japanese teacher. I really enjoy learning with her and I felt my Japanese improving after only a handful of sessions. She takes into consideration what I want to learn and what I already know as she plans my lessons. The classroom is great and I love that I get a file to review after each lesson. She makes learning Japanese fun—we laugh a lot! I truly enjoy my classes and plan on continuing them with her for a long time.

    I'm so glad I found my Nihongo-Pro teacher!

    (studente di Michiko NAKANO)
    Faq di Iscrizione e Setup
    Nihongo-Pro funziona nel mio computer?

    Le lezioni di Nihogo-pro funzionano su qualsiasi computer Windows, Macintosh o Linux con le seguenti caratteristiche:

    Devo avere una webcam?

    No, per gli studenti la webcam non è indispensabile. Tutti gli insegnanti di Nihongo-Pro usano la webcam.

    Come posso pagare le lezioni?

    Nihongo-Pro accetta pagamenti con PayPal, trasferimenti elettronici, assegni emessi su banche USA, e bonifici.

    Per un servizio più veloce raccomandiamo PayPal, con il quale sono possibili varie opzioni di pagamento:

    • Carta di credito (non è richiesto nessun account PayPal)
    • Trasferimento elettronico dal tuo conto bancario (è necessario un account PayPal verificato)
    • E-check (é necessario un account PayPal verificato e richiede fino a 5 giorni lavorativi per essere effettuato)

    In caso di trasferimento elettronico senza PayPal, le spese saranno a tuo carico. Per pagare con assegni, questi dovranno essere emessi su banca statunitense. I bonifici dovranno essere in dollari USA.

    Per trasferimenti elettronici, assegni o bonifici, contattaci: contact Nihongo-Pro support.

    Faq di
    Faq di Risoluzione dei problemi in classe
    How do I set up my computer for Japanese text?

    Most computers can display Japanese without any special setup. Follow these instructions to set up your computer so you can enter Japanese text, too. No special equipment (Japanese keyboard, etc.) is needed.

    Non riesco a fare il login per la classe Nihongo-Pro.
    La mia voce o la voce dell'insegnante si interrompe durante la lezione.

    Ci possono essere problemi con la tua connessione Internet, oppure è troppo lenta.

    • Assicurati che non ci siano altre finestre aperte su Internet.
    • In classe, prova questi tre passaggi:
      Riduci la qualità della webcam, o disattivala.
      Disattiva la ricezione del video, o riduci la dimensione del video.
      Riduci la qualità dell'audio.
    L'insegnante sente l'eco quando parlo.

    Probabilmente il problema è causato dal tuo microfono.

    • Controlla le batterie delle cuffie (se ci sono).
    • Disattiva Mixer Audio dal pannello di controllo Audio del tuo computer.
    • Disattiva i microfoni extra.
    • Riduci il volume del tuo microfono.
    • Se la tua webcam o il tuo computer hanno un microfono incorporato, prova ad usare questo invece delle cuffie.
    • Usa cuffie che abbiano un microfono con incorporata la funzione noise-canceling, per una migliore qualità del suono.
    Non sento niente nella classe Nihongo-Pro.
    • Se le cuffie hanno l'interruttore acceso/spento, assicurati che sia acceso.
    • Assicurati che le cuffie siano collegate e che le batterie siano cariche (se ne hanno).
    • Assicurati che l'audio del tuo computer sia attivato.
    • Esci dalla classe (fai il logout) e poi rientra (login).