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JLPT N3 Vocabulary: Learn Japanese Idiomatic Expressions

Learn Japanese Online with Free Quizzes—New Quizzes Every Day!

Here's a free intermediate Japanese quiz from the expert teachers at Nihongo-Pro. New quizzes are available every day at several skill levels. Take the Nihongo-Pro quiz challenge every day, from your PC, Mac, smartphone, iPad, iPod, or tablet, and learn Japanese online for free!

The JLPT N3 is the middle, or lower intermediate, level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. The test covers about 3,000 Japanese vocabulary terms (including words from the beginning JLPT N4 and JLPT N5 tests).

Spend just a few minutes every day practicing and learning Japanese, and you can master the JLPT N3 grammar, vocabulary, and Kanji. Try a new intermediate Japanese quiz at Nihongo-Pro every day to check on your study progress, and keep up your motivation to learn Japanese!

Idiomatic expressions are the focus of this free Nihongo quiz. An idiom is an expression with a figurative, not literal, meaning—for example, "my hands are tied" means (figuratively) that you cannot help the situation.

The JLPT test usually has a few questions involving Japanese idioms, and, of course, idiomatic expressions pop up in everyday Japanese conversation. Memorizing Japanese idioms will help make your Japanese conversation smooth and natural (and impress your Japanese friends!).

To rev up your study preparation for the JLPT N3 test, why not add online private lessons at Nihongo-Pro? Nihongo-Pro teachers are experts in guiding students to success on the JLPT, and our lessons are customized for your learning style and your Japanese learning goal.

No other online Japanese school can match Nihongo-Pro's combination of teachers, lessons, and classroom experience. Nihongo-Pro pays our teachers better than other online Japanese schools, yet our tuition is among the most affordable anywhere. Plus, our online Japanese classroom—custom designed for online Japanese lessons—makes it easy and productive to study Japanese online.

It all adds up to better online Japanese lessons for you. Here is to your success on the JLPT N3 and in all of your Japanese studies. Ganbatte kudasai!

JLPT N3の語彙(ごい)慣用表現(かんようひょうげん)


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