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JLPT N4 Vocabulary: Learn Upper Beginner Japanese

Learn Japanese Online with Free Quizzes—New Quizzes Every Day!

Here's a free beginner Japanese quiz from the expert teachers at Nihongo-Pro. New quizzes are available every day at several skill levels. Take the Nihongo-Pro quiz challenge every day, from your PC, Mac, smartphone, iPad, iPod, or tablet, and learn Japanese online for free!

The JLPT N4 is the second level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. At this level, you learn over 150 new verbs—absolutely essential vocabulary at the beginner Japanese level. Even if you don't plan to take the JLPT, Nihongo-Pro quizzes like this one will help you learn the vocabulary, Kanji, and grammar you need to speak Japanese. Learn Japanese a little every day, and you will be able to speak real Japanese in no time!

If you want to learn Japanese online fast, we hope you'll consider online private Japanese lessons at Nihongo-Pro. Our expert Japanese teachers will prepare fully customized private lessons to help you meet your Japanese language goal. Plus, we offer a unique combination of great teachers, lessons, and classroom features that no other online Japanese school can match.

We hope to see you in an online Japanese lesson soon! In the meantime, we wish you the best of luck on the JLPT N4 and in all of your Japanese studies.

JLPT N4 ごい

  に いれる ことばを ひとつ えらんでください。

Stuck? Try one of the Lifelines next to the question.
このは きょういくに    です。
   うんどうするのは よくないです。
おそくなるので、    ってください。
   しごとが わりました。
べんきょうが いそがしくて、    あそぶ じかんが ありません。
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